
Just some musings.

The Storyclock Workbook

At Plot Devices, we took our flagship product and expanded it, building a robust workbook for getting your cool story ideas out of your head alive. Use the Storyclock Workbook to break open your story ideas and get your hands dirty, mining your ideas, resources, and inspiration for every last ounce of potential.

We made this video to introduce the new product:

And we also made a video tutorial to show folks exactly how they can use the workbook:

It was super fun to take feedback from our customers to make something new. Seth, Micah and I all developed the product together. I worked with the folks at Worzalla to execute on the look/feel in the printing process and produced the videos accompanying the product.

Storyclock Workbook
Available at Plot Devices
Designed by Micah Lanier
Printed by Worzalla

Writer/Director - Seth Worley
Production Designer - Micah Lanier
Director of Photography - Elizabeth Olmstead
Gaffer - Tyler Manuel
Grip - Josh Link at 1118 Creative
Production Assistant - Anne-Marie Rocconi